Image of St. John the Baptist

Drawing of the Young St. John the Baptist

Why Beauty?

An Ancient Hunger Ever New

For the Love of Beauty (Propter Amorem Pulchritudinis in Latin) is inspired by St. Augustine’s reference to God as “Beauty.” In his Confessions  (X, 27)  he writes, “Late have I loved Thee, O Beauty, so ancient and so new.”

This name for God is both poetic and revealing.  Beauty has been defined, since ancient times, as that which is perfectly ordered or that which is as it should be.  Both definitions reflect a profound truth about God: that He is perfection, and His perfection is beautiful.

God gave us the ability to be moved by the beautiful so that we might experience Him.

So it is for the love of Beauty, that I pursue my vocation:

To create works that elevate and inspire the soul to respond to the allurements of He who is Beauty,

so as to be reunited in Him, in Love,

as it should be.

May my work here facilitate for you, dear visitor, a variety of opportunities for encounter with divine Beauty, in Love.

“Therefore, behold, I will allure her, and bring her into the wilderness, and speak tenderly to her.”
—Hosea 2:14

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